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2BR+ Maid, Great View, Excellent Investment

ID: BLITZ 108068AV

Cartier: DAMAC Hills

Preț/mp: 3.163 €

Actualizat: 07.02.2023

Rata lunară: 2.254,08


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    Trimite ofertă de preț

    Acest anunț este verificat de către agent


    Nr. camere: 2

    Suprafață utilă: 140 mp

    Nr. băi: 3

    Dotări: Mobilat/utilat

    Tip finisaj: Finisat

    Morgan's International Realty is proud to present for sale this new 2 beds plus maids apartment in Loretto in the sort after area of Damac Hills.

    Open plan living area with guest bathroom
    Modern open plan kitchen
    2 bedrooms with fitted wardrobes and en suite bathrooms.
    Two large balcony's
    Large terrace
    Basement parking
    24hrs security.
    View of the Trump Golf course and swimming pool.
    Well Maintained

    DAMAC Hills Is A Well-Established Community And Hot Spot In Dubai. As Well As Having Great Access To Some Of The Main Link Roads, There Is Also A Wide Range Of Amenities And Community Areas That Are Second To None. Various Supermarkets, Eateries, Pools, Parks, Sport Facilities, Lakes, Walkways, Petting Zoo And The Famous Trump Golf Course Make Up Just A Section Of What Is Available To You.

    Morgan’s International Realty each of our team members who aim to leave clients with a pleasant memory of their past, standing by and guiding them in their present and planning for their future.


    Evoluție Indice Blitz:

    • Cartier: DAMAC Hills
    • Nr. camere: 2
    • Finisaje: Finisat

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