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High Floor, Sea View, Handover Soon

ID: BLITZ 128539AV

Cartier: Downtown Dubai

Preț/mp: 7.734 €

Actualizat: 07.01.2024

Rata lunară: 2.795,39


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    Trimite ofertă de preț

    Acest anunț este verificat de către agent


    Nr. camere: Garsonieră

    Suprafață utilă: 71 mp

    Nr. băi: 1

    Dotări: Mobilat/utilat

    Tip finisaj: Finisat

    Morgans international realty is pleased to present an amazing 1 bedroom with the astonishing views Grande by Emaar Properties in The Opera District, Downtown Dubai.

    Apartment Details

    - 1 Bedroom Apartment
    - 1 Bathroom
    - Area 71 m2 sq.ft.
    - High Floor
    - Fitted Kitchen
    - Built in Wardrobes
    - Swimming Pool

    About Grande by Emaar

    Grande is a luxury private community has one of the highest residential towers developed by Emaar situated at the ideal place of Dubai “Downtown Dubai”, which contain 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments. Emaar project Grande building has simple and contemporary architecture and the society is motivated to live with natures. Emaar Grande has 78 storey apartments and it also gives you the world best facility like a luxury restaurant and cafes along with society.


    Evoluție Indice Blitz:

    • Cartier: Downtown Dubai
    • Nr. camere: Garsonieră
    • Finisaje: Finisat

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